2025 Ruth Kroll Scholar Application

The Ruth Kroll Scholarship recognizes an exceptional young woman between the ages of 16 and 19 who possesses a strong Jewish identity and nurtures the Jewish values embodied by Ruth Kroll: empathy, humility, inclusivity, non-judgment, women’s equality, and the importance of education.

Recipients will receive a financial scholarship to be used towards their education and/or support of philanthropic interests.

Criteria for Eligibility

Applicants must meet the following criteria in order to be eligible for the Ruth Kroll Scholarship:

  • Identify as a woman aged 16 to 19 years
  • Self-identify as Jewish
  • Reside in Middlesex or Monmouth counties
  • Attend a high school, vocational school, or college in New Jersey
  • Exhibit proven commitment to the value and practice of tikkun olam  (repair the world) over time without compensation

Applicants may only receive this scholarship one time.


Decisions will be made after the above deadlines.

Questions? Contact Laura Safran at [email protected] or 732.588.1805

General Information

Additional Information

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian #1

Parent/Guardian #2

Essay #1

How do you nurture the Jewish values embodied by Ruth Kroll: empathy, humility, inclusivity, non-judgment, and the ideals of education and women’s equality? (250 word limit)

We recommend writing your essay in Microsoft Word document and pasting it below.

Essay #2 

How do you make a difference in your community? Please use specific examples that incorporate your volunteerism (500 word limit).

We recommend writing your essay in Microsoft Word document and pasting it below.

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